Queue management system
Queue is the most dis-satisfier in all industry like, bank, hospital, airport, stores and government institutions etc. snappy queue management system will minimize queues to improve efficiency and customer experience.
Build-In web server
Snappy QMS is easy, customizable and reliable. Through the built-in web application, we can easily add and manage the users, devices like Ticket dispenser, Counter call unit, Counter display device and Snappy Digital Signage.
User management
In Snappy QMS, you can create and manage login credentials for each user. And it has option to limit each user accessibility, who can access and what are the functionalities are accessible.
Priority customer handling
Based on the magnetic stripe reader cards (Visa, Master, Amex, etc.,) you can prioritize your customers. As per your prioritization, your valuable customer will be served by our system in efficient way.
Service categorization
QMS web application have the capable of adding n - number of user defined services. You can group the particular services, and add sub-services under corresponding group. Our system will allow customers to choose single service or various services or single service with hierarchy level processing tickets.
Ticket management
Our application has the option to define the ticket number prefix, ticket number series for each services or customer category. For example, for "Cash Deposit" service, you had set CD as a prefix and series starts from 100, ticket will be generated like CD100, CD101, etc. And our application has the option reset the ticket series at any time.
Email alert notification
Queue Management System has the option to send Email notification alert for the configured Email Id's. As per configuration alert notification will be send for the employee login and logout activities, employee ticket serving status, customer waiting time and etc.
Backup & restore
As per user configuration user can get the instant backup of the queue management system application data. You can restore it at any time. In additional, our system has the scheduled backup option.
Magnetic stripe reader
We offering the ticket dispenser with magnetic card reader to prioritize your valued customers so they wait less in queue, without frustrating regular customers. And allow to our client provide priority level token number. It improves the level of service, enables focused improvement for specific customer segments and services, It is only for Professional Edition.
Multi-Language support
Queue Management System has the multi-language support. As per configuration Counter call unit, Counter Display devices, Ticket Dispenser and Snappy Digital Signage will show the text in the configured Language. Ticket serving notification will be announced in the configured language.
SMS integration (Optional)
It is an optional feature. It gives you facility to automatically notify your customers when their service turn approaches. Receiving the alert on their mobile phones via SMS on their configured time, customers can immediately return to your premises, waiting to be called.