Counter tab customization
Easy, customizable and reliable, easy to install multiple number of counters and add custom audio to get customer attention.
User interface
Interactive graphical user interface.
  • Support all touch screen devices.
  • Responsive WEB Interface for PC/Lap/Tab/Smart phones.
Multi-Language support
Multi-Language support and language portability. Voice based token calls in multiple number of languages.
Counter application and installation
Counter application can easy to install customer PC/Lap/Tab/Smart phones with multiple numbers of counters.
Queued ticket monitoring
  • Service processing with ticket priority.
  • Ticket recalling.
  • Queued ticket monitoring.
  • Forward ticket to other counter.
  • Service forwarding.
Integrate with digital signage
Complete flexibility to match any bussiness requirements and easy integration with n number of snappy digital signage solutions.